New opening hours!!
Due to recent Coronavirus restrictions, we are forced to keep our shops closed on Sundays and bank holidays ( 25./26./27.12 and 1./3.01 ) until further notice
For anyone who would like to rent equipment on those days, such as skis, snowboard, boots, sledges or snowshoes, we offer a pick up service.
In order to do this you must book online and beforehand. You can use the following app:
The equipment will be waiting for you outside the Salomon Station, where you can pick it up and drop it off for return.
On all the other days the Salomon Station is open 8:30am – 7pm and the Enzian 10am – 7pm
We realize this is an inconvenience, but we hope that we can help you get the needed equipment so you can still enjoy your vacation 🙂